Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Inquiry Project 3 - Group 3 (Wilson, Hey, Gilespie, Banker)


  1. I need a partner for both the blog and the i.m.!

  2. Hi Lisen!

    Do you have someone to meet with for the face to face 90min meeting? I live in Grand Blanc and we are the closet in our group tp meet. We could meet half way. Please let me know what you think.

    Sorry, but I already have a partner for the other parts.


  3. Lisen,

    I mean closest and to above, sorry for the mistakes:-)


  4. Hi Monique,

    It looks like we need to start meeting this week to do our two activities, but we can continue the meetings next week if we need to. At least that's how I read the instructuions.

    I'm going to read the project description and science challenges carefully tonight, then maybe we could talk Tuesday to arrange a schedule for meeting?

    Also, have you seen the observation worksheets anywhere? Apparently we'll need these to do our detailed notes as we go through the process.

    I still have to find someone local for the face to face.

    Talk to you all soon,


  5. Hi Patrick,

    I read over the challenges and the observation notes tonight. This is going to be a very interesting project with the challenges we were given. I'm wondering what we have to video tape. Should we video tape ourselves while we do the challenges?

    I can do the chat tomorrow night or Thursday night after 8:00pm. I could do the chat on facebook if your on facebook. The discussion part is suppose to be on ANGEL. I don't see this set up yet. It's looks like the chat is suppose to be 90min long and the discussion is suppose to be 4 days long and at least 10 postings per person.

    Let me know your thoughts about when we could do the chat and we will have to see about the discussion as it's set up.

    Bye for now,


  6. Hi Monique,
    I'm on facebook, if you'd like to do our chat there that's fine. How about 9-10:30pm Thursday night?
    David mentions a microphone and headphones for the chat- does that mean we can have a virtual voicechat with the mikes? That would be cool if we could, but I don't know where to find a virtual chat room. Do you? If you do and you want to try this, I'm in, but facebook will work too- I think you can only type chat there, right? I'm not an expert at facebook. Tell me what you prefer.
    In any case, the chat activity is about building the towers. We're supposed to both have all the supplies, and both do video and stills of the event, is my understanding.
    So if you agree, we can do it Thursday night. Since the asynchronous activity is not supposed to overlap, maybe we could do that Friday through Monday.

    I'll check this forum later Wednesday night and Thursday morning to see what you think.



  7. Patrick,

    I had to do a live chat for another grad class tonight and just got done with that right now. I think facebook will be a good choice since I don't know of virtual chat rooms either. I will be on Facebook Thursday night from 8:50-10:30. I will have all my supplies ready. Are we video taping the entire chat? That's a lot of time! Thanks for getting back to me!

    ttu tomorrow night:-)


  8. Patrick,

    I can do the asynchronous activity from Fri to Monday. What times? Fri from 5-6pm is good. Sat from 8-10pm. Sunday 8-10pm. My husband will be gone all weekend and my 18 month old will not like me doing this while she runs throught the house so I need to wait till she goes to bed. Hope this sounds okay with you.



  9. Hi Monique,

    What's your facebook email so I can invite you as a friend? Or you can find me - my email is snigsman@att.net for my facebook account. See you around 8:50 tonight, Thursday.

    I thought the asynchronous activity was such that you left posts for each other on a discussion forum. That way, you just keep checking the forum and respond when you can. I'll read the description again.


  10. Hi Monique. It's 10pm and our facebook chat stopped letting me send any messages. I don't know if you'll think to come to this blog to check, but I thougth I'd try.

  11. Hi Monique,

    Did we decide where to do our next activity? If necessary, we could go to the open discussion forum on the MAET Student Portal. I suppose we could do a threaded discussion on facebook, too.

    You can find the open discussion forum on the ANGEL home page when you sign in. No one has used it for several months. I still don't see any forums David has set up for us, have you?
    Anyways, post back how you'd like to proceed.

    Very cool tower, by the way.



  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Hi group, second activity, asynchronous chat - Catapult activity will be held at Ning CEP 806 site.


    Invitation email from Dr. Wong might have gone straight to your junk mail box...so dig it if you can, or just go to the website and join yourself.

    Have a good weekend,


  14. Hey Patrick,

    Do you want to start sometime today on the next challenge with the asynchronous chat on the site above that Dr.Wong put up on Nong CEP 806 site?
    I will check this blog every 1/2 hr and see when you want to start.

    Thanks! It took awhile to get the tower
    to that point but it worked:-)


  15. Monique-

    Why don't you start the activity on the above site, and I'll take a look and respond later tonight- I've got my kids swimming, birthday party and church Saturday afternoon, so I can start this evening. We can go into next week, so finishing Tuesday should be ok.
    Does that work for you?


  16. OK,

    I left a reply in the discussion forum. Talk to you later.


  17. Chiharu, good looking out on the ning forum. I was looking for where to post on angel for about 20 minutes before I saw this post. You were my hero.


  18. Ian

    Your "You were my hero" made my day :)

